• Sowing timing: The best period to sow chickpea (desi) is from mid-October until the end of October. Early sown crops are more likely to be affected with wilt disease, so avoid sowing before October 15th. The last week of October is the best time to sow Kabuli grams.
  • Variety enhancements include: HC-1, HC-3, HC-5, CSJ-515, GNG-2144, GNG-2171 for irrigated circumstances HC-1, RSG-501 for rainfed situations.
  • Seed Rate: Seed amount should be calculated based on the seed size of the variety. Use 40 kg of little seed per hectare, 60 kg of medium seed per hectare, and 80 kg of bold seed per hectare.
  • Seed Treatment: For termite control, seed treatment with chloropyriphos 20 EC (1500 ml/100 kg seed) is recommended. Prepare a 2.0-liter solution of the aforesaid insecticides in water and apply it to 1.0 q seed. Now apply carbendazim (2.5 g/ kg seed) or Trichoderma viride (4 g) + vitavex (1 g/ kg seed) to the seed.
  • Sowing: Sowing with the pora method in 30 cm rows at a depth of 10 cm is recommended. Wilt disease is likely to harm a crop sown at a shallow depth. When seeding the crop under rainfed conditions, leave 45 cm between rows.
  • Management of nutrients: Before sowing the crop, apply 15 kg N (30-35 kg urea) and 40 kg P2O5 (250 kg SSP or 80-90 kg DAP) per hectare, and use 25 kg ZnSO4 in light textured soils. Before sowing, inoculate seed with rhizobium and PSB culture.
  • Plant protection: The principal diseases of the chickpea crop are wilt, root rot, and Alternaria blight, all of which reduce crop yield. For wilt disease management, it is recommended that crop planting not take place before October 10th. The same seed treatment that was discussed earlier should be used to manage wilt disease. The seed treatment approach used to manage root rot disease is also used to manage the disease. To combat Alternaria blight, cultivating disease-tolerant/resistant cultivars is recommended.

This post was last modified on February 14, 2022 2:13 pm